I think this asics shoe ad by Vitrorobertson in San Diego terrible. Not to sound too harsh, but there is absolutely nothing to the ad. The copy "(sound mind)x(sound body)xtwo=happily ever after?" It sounds like absolutely anyone could have written this. Where was the creative team? Also, I think the art direction is very poor as well. Two people running, one tree, gray sky, a few birds? If I saw this in a magazine I would turn the page immediately and never remember anything about it. One thing is for sure, I am not racing out to buy asics tennis shoes after seeing this ad.
Emily, don't every worry about sounding harsh. the best creative always comes from internal arguing which forces position support and leads to better work. Here's what I can tell you about this campaign. Whilst other running shoe brands talk about victory, fashion, celebrity, physical benefits, et cetera...the strategy for ASICS is aimed at focusing on the emotional benefits of running. Sound Mind Sound Body is the strategy. The target (core runners) love these ads as is witnessed by post-tracking. Ultimately, the true measure of success is this...the entire category is down...even Nike is barely at +2...whilst ASICS is +18 and has surpassed Adidas and New Balance to take the #2 position in the category (despite being grossly outspent).